
impress. Go GUI library


Go is a perfect language for developing desktop GUI applications. Compiled language is fast enough to spin an interactive application. Goroutines are helpful to handle the state of separate windows. The small runtime means that the application starts instantly. Go implement high level abstractions to complex application development.


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Hello World Example

Library Overview

Source Code

Go GUI library github.com/codeation/impress

Widgets and tools library github.com/codeation/tile

GTK+ 3 cross-platform terminal github.com/codeation/it

WebAssembly terminal github.com/codeation/canvas

Developer version of GTK+ 3 terminal github.com/codeation/itlog

lineation mindmap application

lineation is an open-source Mind Map Editor. In addition, it is a impress GUI library proof-of-concept application.


lineation home

Source Code

github.com/codeation/lineation Mind Map Editor